Effect of Feeding Diabetic Rats At Different Levels of Wheat Bran And Date Seeds


  • Associate Professor SVN Medical College, India


e excellent bran, sunflower seeds, pan bread, chemical composition, blood glucose.


There may be a global focus on the rise of diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and heart
disease. therefore, this appearance has been modified to assess the impact of the quality of bran and
powdered iron seeds such as dietary fiber and strong nutritional supplements to combine effective
bread to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Comprehensive tests found that some beats of
bread samples with 5.10 and 15% bran (fb), five powders and 10% seed powder (Dsp) and a
satisfactory 5% combination of bran + 5% of powdered seed day. Bread was added with 10 and 15%
satisfactory bran contained thirteen. 478% and thirteen. 777% (g / 100g) content of protein content
respectively, simultaneously with bread supplemented by a combination of 5% of the daily powder
powder, and 10% of the daily flour content contains 5.fifty one and 4.95 (g / 100g) fiber whole foods
in turn. Live experiments have shown that mice ate a pattern of bread and its mixtures containing
15% fine bran, 5% powder for seed day, 10% seed powder for day and 5% bran for first class + 5%
of the 30-day meal intake (p <0.05) reduced serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low
density lipoproteins (LDL), low density lipoproteins (vLDL), while excessive density lipoproteins
(HDL) have improved. also, data have shown that rats fed on a pan made of wheat flour were placed
in abnormal first-grade and / or daily meal grains significantly reduced their blood glucose levels.





